JAKARTA - Although a coalition has been established between the Gerindra Party and PKB, the question of who the presidential and vice presidential candidates is yet to be determined. The chairman of Gerindra and the chairman of PKB are both supported by their respective parties to run as presidential candidates in 2024.

Regarding the presidential candidate, the General Chair of the Gerindra Party DPP Prabowo Subianto, said that the discussion about the presidential candidate had not become the main focus of his coalition.

Therefore, Prabowo has not been able to answer the question of who the presidential candidate will be and when the discussion will be held.

"Yes, we'll see," said Prabowo, Tuesday, August 16.

The Minister of Defense (Menhan) then quoted the message conveyed by the Chairman of the MPR, Bambang Soesatyo through his rhyme at the annual session of the MPR. Bamsoet said, "There is no need to worry about the cawapres and don't be in a hurry". Ojo kesusu, the Javanese language, is also often used by Jokowi when he talks about supporting the presidential candidate in 2024.

"Earlier, there was a message, right, ojo milk," he said.

Ready to be a presidential candidate

Prabowo Subianto previously stated that he was ready to become a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. This was conveyed by Prabowo after hearing the aspirations of the 34 DPD who asked him to return to be a presidential candidate in the Gerindra Rapimnas at SICC Bogor, West Java, Friday, August 12.

"Brothers and sisters, thus, by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, after I studied and listened carefully, the attitude of every DPD and every wing of the party, which expects me to accept the nomination as president of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024," Prabowo said in front of thousands of Gerindra cadres.

"I hereby declare that with a sense of responsibility I accept your request to be willing to be nominated as a presidential candidate for Indonesia," said Prabowo.

For information, 34 DPD Gerindra Party and party wing organizations have finished presenting their views on the single agenda of the Gerindra Rapimnas at SICC, Sentul, Friday, August 12.

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