TANGERANG - Indra Kusuma or Indra Kenz underwent a trial at the Tangerang District Court with an exception reading agenda. VOI monitoring, at the Tangerang District Court, Tuesday, August 16, at 09.00 WIB, Indra Kenz appeared online.

In the trial, Tomi Detasatria as the Public Prosecutor (JPU) rejected the exception submitted by the defendant Indra Kenz. According to him, the legal indictment is appropriate and meets the requirements specified in Article 143 Paragraph 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

"Stating that all exceptions or objections by the attorney for the defendant IK (Indra Kusuma) have been rejected or at least declared not accepted," said Tomy, Tuesday, August 16.

The public prosecutor considered that the exception material from Indra Kenz's legal advisor or attorney was not in accordance with Article 156 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

"That all the exception material for PH defendant IK is baseless, not suitable for law enforcement and not in accordance with article 156 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code," he said.

On that basis, the Public Prosecutor stated that the trial was continued to the next agenda.

"Stipulates that the examination of the trial of the criminal case on behalf of the defendant IK can be continued," he said.

The chairman of the panel of judges, Rahman Rajaguguk, has decided that the next trial with a verdict will be held on Tuesday, August 22.

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