JAKARTA - Director of Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat has asked the public not to consider the summons of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, to FPI a criminalization.

According to Tubagus, the process of alleged violation of the health protocol at the Prophet's birthday and the marriage of the child of FPI leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab is still in the stage of clarification.

"Do not assume that there is criminalization and so on. This is still in the clarification stage in the investigation stage. So, there has been no summons of character for investigation," said Tubagus at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, November 18.

Tubagus also emphasized that all parties summoned for clarification were not necessarily suspects. The steps to determine the existence of a criminal act, according to him, still need further processing.

Previously, the opinion that the summoning of Anies was excessive, one of which came from the Presidium of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) Din Syamsuddin. Din considers Anies's request for clarification as unnatural drama.

"Not all of those who were summoned became suspects. The point of determining whether or not the crime was still a long way off. The stages are still ongoing," he said.

"Hence, he responded as if this was a criminalization. Even though it was still far from the stage because it was only one day yesterday. In the near future, there will be a re-examination agenda. After that, a case will be conducted," continued Tubagus.

Currently, Polda Metro Jaya is asking for clarification from 16 people by dividing the three elements in a series of investigations into cases of alleged violation of health protocols at the wedding of Rizieq Shihab's daughter. The three elements include elements of the government, the organizing committee, and invited guests.

On Tuesday, November 17, the police summoned 14 officials from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, starting from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, Central Jakarta Mayor, DKI Legal Bureau, Head of Tanah Abang Sub-District, Lurah Petamburan, to Head of RT and RW.

However, only 10 people could attend the clarification yesterday. Meanwhile, the remaining 4 people were unable to attend. Then, 1 in 10 people who attended, namely the Head of Petamburan Village, were declared reactive to COVID-19, so the clarification was postponed.

On this day, the police summoned 6 other people, namely Jakarta Provincial Government officials who were previously absent, the chairman of the committee for the Prophet's birthday and Rizieq's child marriage, marriage witnesses, and several technical workers for the event.

"Of the six, there were 4. 2 people could not attend by sending a letter. They were a tent driver with the initials KS, unable to attend to fulfill the investigator's invitation because they were outside the region. Another marriage witness could not attend because there was a letter. sick from doctors, "said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus.

Tomorrow, Polda will summon several other expert witnesses for completeness. Later, after that, an initial case title will be planned to be able to determine whether this case can go up to investigation.

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