SOLO - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) invites local governments (Pemda), operators and related stakeholders to equalize perceptions regarding the Buy The Service (BTS) program assistance. For the sake of realizing an urban mass transit system.

Where the implementation of public transportation plays an important role in supporting, expediting, and increasing economic development both regionally and nationally as well as advancing the welfare of the community at large. For this reason, the government is obliged to provide adequate public transport services that cover all areas.

"The aim is that the substance can be understood by all parties so that it does not cause multiple interpretations and obstacles in its implementation," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Land Transportation, Imran Rasyid during the Socialization of the Laws on Land Transportation 2020 in Solo, Tuesday, November 17.

In order to achieve this goal, the government has established a policy or program called Buy the Service or purchasing public transportation services. Where the basic principle of the service purchase program is that the government allocates a budget to purchase transportation services provided by public transportation companies (BUMN, BUMD, or private) with agreed criteria, then the service provider company establishes a work contract with the government that provides the budget. .

In order to support the implementation of Buy the Service, the government has set several policies, including:

Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number PM 9 of 2020 concerning the provision of subsidies for urban public passenger transportation; Regulation of the Director General of Land Transportation Number KP.2748 / AJ.206 / DRJD / 2020 concerning the management of urban public passenger transport management by purchasing services; Regulation of the Director General of Land Transportation Number KP.2749 / AJ.206 / DRJD / 2020 concerning standard service procedures for monitoring and evaluation of service purchases on urban public transport; Regulation of the Director General of Land Transportation Number KP.2750 / AJ.007 / DRJD / 2020 concerning the imposition of sanctions for violations of the implementation of urban public passenger transportation with a service purchase scheme. Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation Number KP.2752 / AJ.206 / DRJD / 2020 concerning the calculation of the operational costs of subsidized vehicles for urban public passenger transportation with the purchase of services.

"These regulations are formulated and stipulated as a guideline for the government to carry out the purchase of public transport services by providing subsidies to regions in order to provide services to the community," said Imran.

Local governments that have implemented the Buy the Service program include Medan, Palembang, Yogyakarta, Solo and Denpasar.

With this subsidy on public transport, it is hoped that public transport users will increase and reduce congestion. In the service purchase scheme, passengers will pay a lower fare because part of the fare is paid by the government.

There are at least seven criteria needed to become a recipient city for the Buy the Service program, including having a large population but not yet being served by public transportation or existing public transportation facilities.

Existing public transport services show a positive trend and are able to withstand the pressures of using private vehicles.

"Has big ambitions and commitment but still needs a lot of assistance, especially in terms of finance. And Solo can meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Transportation," said Head of the Surakarta City Transportation Agency, Hari Prihatno.

Apart from receiving operational assistance, Solo also receives infrastructure assistance to support public transportation in the form of bus stops equipped with a Public Transport Information System.

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