JAKARTA - The main expert researcher at the Research and Atmospheric Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Thomas Djamaluddin said the peak of the Perseid meteor shower could be seen on August 13 and August 14.

"This meteor shower can be seen around August 13 to August 14, 2022 and it is visible in the northern sky. This is classified as a large meteor shower, so it is estimated that there are dozens of meteors per hour," said Thomas as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, August 13.

The Perseid meteor shower can be seen throughout Indonesia at 23.00 WIB at night in Sabang or at 01.00 WITA at night on Rote Island or at latitude up to 25 minutes before sunrise.

"The best can be observed after midnight until dawn," said Thomas.

The Perseids are meteor showers whose radians come from the constellation Perseus. The maximum intensity of the meteor shower is 100 meteors per hour.

With the maximum height of the radian point in Indonesia varying between 20.9 degrees (Rote Island) to 37.8 degrees (Sabang), the intensity of the Perseid meteor shower is reduced to 36 meteors per hour (Rote Island or the latitude) to 61 meteors per hour ( Sabang or the cross).

To be able to observe the Perseid meteor shower without optical aids, Thomas said it is necessary to ensure the weather during observation is clear, free from obstructions around the field of view, and free from light pollution.

The greater the cloud cover and the Bortle scale or the brightness of the night sky, the less intense the meteor will be.

"Try to observe from an area far from light pollution," said Thomas.

There is interference of moonlight located near the zenith when the perseid radian point rises, so it can interfere with perseid observations.

Even so, the Perseid meteor shower can still be observed without optical aids, unless you want to capture it in the form of images or videos.

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