BOGOR - Mayor of Bogor, West Java Bima, Arya Sugiarto regretted that the fashion exhibition or fashion show for young people on Jalan Sudirman, Central Jakarta, commonly known as Citayam Fashion Week, was closed. Bima welcomes the public space in his area to be a place of creativity for young people.

"If we look at it, now, the thirst for public space is extraordinary. For example, the Bonge, Jeje and Kurma phenomena are thirsty for public space. I regret why it has been stopped," Bima said when giving a speech at the 2022 radio festival in Alun-alun Bogor City, Antara, Friday, August 12.

Bima considered that the public expression space, especially young people, should not be prohibited as long as it does not violate the rules and norms of decency.

According to him, in anticipating violations, it is precisely the role of the government and related officials who can regulate the time the youth activities take place, including the event to direct the ethics of politeness and recognize sanctions when throwing garbage, for example.

The Mayor of Bogor opened the widest public facilities such as the city square which has a number of areas including stage areas, running tracks, sports, parks and galleries to become public expression spaces.

"Yes, you can go ahead. People say there's traffic jams, please make rules. You can just go there as long as the hours are above 9-10, disperse, yes. It's rubbish, direct fines, Satpol PP can be deployed. It's not polite to dress, please remember wear polite. Don't ban your expression, don't move it. Where are they now? podcast. So, residents of Bogor City, please express yourself in the square," said Bima

Bima Arya even invited the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, Bonge and their friends to Bogor City to try out public spaces in Bogor City to act creatively in public open spaces in their area.

"Please go ahead. Bonge wants to come here. It's open to all. If you want bonge, Mr. Anies Baswedan, you can," he said.

Previously, at the end of July, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, did not prohibit the action of teenagers from holding a fashion show or "Citayam Fashion Week" in Dukuh Atas or known as a youth gathering area from "Sudirman, Citayam, Bojonggede and Depok" (SCBD).

The former Minister of Education and Culture did not answer questions from the media crew about the dangerous considerations because they were held at a road crossing.

The youth fashion show action was held at a road crossing on Jalan Tanjung Karang or on the route to BNI City Station and the Kendal Tunnel in Dukuh Atas.

For this reason, he continued, policies are not regulated through comments in the media, but are determined through decisions. Meanwhile, the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya suggested that the Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) fashion show be held on a motorized-free day.

The Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of the Polda Metro Jaya suggested that the Citayam Fashion Week (CFW) fashion show be held during the Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB).

Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Latif Usmandi Jakarta, Monday, said this was done to prevent congestion around the location due to the activity.

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