JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo feels that he has often responded to the case of Brigadier J. Jokowi's murder, asking reporters to ask the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo about the progress of the case.

"Ask the National Police Chief. I've said this many times. Ask the National Police Chief, because everything is clear," Jokowi said in response to reporters' questions about the appointment of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo as a suspect at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, August 12.

Jokowi is also reluctant to respond to the issue of the motive for the murder of Brigadier J which has not been revealed. He again asked reporters to ask Listyo Sigit Prabowo about this.

"Ask the national police chief because everything is clear. Ask the national police chief," said Jokowi, repeating his statement.

Previously, the former Head of the Profession and Security Division (Kadiv Propam) of the National Police Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was named a suspect in the murder of Brigadier J. The appointment of Ferdy as a suspect was announced directly by Listyo Sigit.

The Police Headquarters investigation team has examined the suspect, Ferdy Sambo, at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java. As a result, Ferdy Sambo confessed to his actions after receiving a call from his wife Putri Candrawati.

Based on Ferdy Sambo's confession, he felt hurt because Brigadier J's actions against his wife had brought down the dignity of his family. Thus, Ferdy ordered suspects E and RR to kill Brigadier J.

Based on observations, the motive for the murder of Brigadier J, which was said by Ferdy Sambo, was quite busy being discussed by the public on social media. In a number of reports about Ferdy Sambo on YouTube, some netizens commented that the motive for the murder that Sambo said was odd.

Netizens wondered if the harassment took place in Magelang, why did Sambo's wife still agree to be in the same car with Brigadier J on the way from Magelang to Jakarta.

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