JAKARTA - The Taman Sari Police, West Jakarta, arrested a suspected dealer of 30 packages of methamphetamine with the initials HI (46) in a rented house in the Pademangan area, near Ancol, North Jakarta.

"We secured it on Sunday, July 31. Evidence of 22 grams of methamphetamine is ready to be circulated," said the Head of the Taman Sari Metro Police, AKBP Rohman Yongki, quoting Antara, Friday, August 12.

Yongki explained that the arrests began when his party received information on the existence of shabu trafficking activities carried out by HI in the Taman Sari area.

Based on this information, the police moved to monitor IR activities in the Taman Sari area.

After monitoring, HI was found to live in a rented area of Jalan Raya Lodan No. 2, Ancol, Pademangan, North Jakarta.

"We managed to secure HI at his house with evidence of 22 grams of crystal methamphetamine, a cell phone unit, shabu suction equipment and 3 million rupiah in cash," said Yongki.

When arrested, HI was immediately examined for a urine test. The result was positive for HI using methamphetamine.

Furthermore, Rohman added that HI was known to have obtained the illicit goods from a person with the initials AG, who is still being chased.

The police are also still investigating where the illicit goods will be circulated by HI.

"We continue to pursue the perpetrators, currently still in the development process," said Yongki.

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