JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) launched a wage subsidy assistance program (BSU). This assistance is given to educators and non-civil servant education personnel (PNS) with a target of two million people, or to be precise 2,034,732 people.

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makariem said the details were 162,277 lecturers at state universities (PTN) and private universities (PTS), 1,634,832 teachers and educators in public and private education units. Finally, 237,623 library staff, laboratory staff, and administrative staff.

"This is a form of appreciation and concern from the central government for all services for non-PNS teachers and education personnel in this country," he said in a webinar, Tuesday, November 17.

Nadiem said that the government must be present for honorary staff and lecturers who have helped us through the critical period due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Economic support assistance that can motivate them to continue educating our children," he said.

The total BSU budget that will be disbursed by the government is IDR 3.6 trillion. Later, each beneficiary will receive BSU assistance worth Rp1.8 million, which is paid at once.

Kemendikbud, said Nadiem, will create a new account for each PTK that receives the BSU. Prospective recipients can access info via info.gtk.kemdikbud.go.id or pddikti.kemdikbud.go.id to find information regarding the status of disbursement of assistance, bank accounts and the closest channeling bank.

The requirements for the Ministry of Education and Culture's BSU are as follows:

1. Is an Indonesian citizen (WNI).

2. Not a civil servant.

3. Have an income of less than IDR 5 million per month

4. Did not receive BSU from the Ministry of Manpower until October 1, 2020.

5. Did not receive the Pre-employment Card until October 1, 2020.

The required documents that must be fulfilled by the recipients of the Ministry of Education and Culture's BSU are:

1. Identity Card (KTP)

2. Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) if any.

3. Decree of BSU Recipient which can be downloaded from GTK and Pddikti info.

4. Statement of Absolute Responsibility (SPTJM) which can be downloaded from the GTK and Pddikti which has been printed, stamped, and signed.

Nadiem said this requirement must be met by prospective recipients of wage subsidy assistance. He emphasized that the existence of this rule was also to avoid overlapping in the provision of assistance.

"This rule is very simple and for equitable distribution so that all people can feel the benefits of social assistance. So we do not want to overlap with assistance from the Ministry of Manpower or also semi-social assistance from the Pre-employment Card," he said.

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