JAKARTA - Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Djoko Siswanto asked Petronas to increase the number of local workers in Hidayah Field in Blok North Madura II.

"Petronas sekarang karyawannya 300-an lalu platformnya juga unman. Padahal kita butuh lapangan kerja jadi harus ditambah itu. Ada pripyek kalau tidak nggak menambahan pegawai itu kurang bagus," ujar Djoko dalam sambutannya pada FID Engagement for the Hidayah Development Project di Jakarta, Kamis, 9 Januari.

Djoko added that the real goal of investing is to be able to create new jobs in Indonesia.

He hopes that Petronas can increase the number of workers in the oil and gas field in North Madura Island.

Djoko said, until now Petronas has 300 workers with the achievement of production of 25,000 BOPDs outside the Hidayah field.

With the addition of the Hidayah field of 25,276 BOPD when it reaches the peak production, Djoko hopes to increase the workforce by 300 people.

"Well, now with 300 employees, 25,000 barrels. Well, this will add another 25,000 yes, that's about that much. Be grateful to be able to add like the one from 300 to 600, something like that," explained Djoko.

For information, Hidayah Field is located 7 kilometers north of Madura Island.

Petronas received its first discovery on January 7, 2021 through its first drilling at the Hidayah 1 well.

Then, the POD I field was approved on December 30, 2022. According to POD, this target onstream field is Q1 in 2027.

However, Djoko asked Petronas to advance on stream to December 31, 2026.

To achieve this goal, SKK Migas has simplified a number of licensing, amdal and tender processes.

"The tender process shouldn't take too long, yes, the negotiations," added Djoko.

Djoko explained that the negotiation process usually lasts a long time, because there are repeated negotiations during tenders with business entities. This causes the online process to take longer.

"When the business entity offers a high one, it must be negotiated. Well, sometimes these negotiations take a long time," said Djoko.

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