JAKARTA - Head of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Komjen Pol Petrus Golose formed a Task Force Team (Satgas) as well as volunteers to clean up drugs on campus. This declaration took place at Manado State University (Unima), Tondano, Minahasa, North Sulawesi.

Head of BNN Petrus Golose after the declaration thanked the Chancellor of Unima who had facilitated this activity and created the Task Force on the Unima campus.

"We all know that the problem of the younger generation in North Sulawesi is also related to narcotics abuse. And this includes all over Indonesia," he said at the location of the declaration, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 11.

He added that this activity is a monumental effort. "The activity is very, very extraordinary, he continued, getting anti-narcotics ambassadors, especially from students, Unima students," he added.

"I believe the commitment shown by Unima will mobilize all the potential of the community, especially the Tondano, Manado, North Sulawesi and even Indonesia areas," he continued.

He continued, this activity will minimize the circulation of narcotics and narcotic precursors in Indonesia.

Unima Chancellor Prof Dr Deitje Katuuk MPd said the Task Force and volunteers were at the forefront, pioneering the eradication of drugs in North Sulawesi and even in Indonesia.

"Because Unima students come from various regions in Indonesia," he explained.

Prior to the declaration of a volunteer named the Unima Clean Drugs Task Force (Bersinar) which took place at the Unima auditorium in Tondano, Minahasa, Thursday 11 August, Komjen Petrus Golose first started with a public lecture.

Then the declaration was carried out through the press of a button jointly by the Head of BNN RI Komjen Pol Petrus Golose, Unima Chancellor Prof. Dr. Deitje Katuuk MPd and the North Sulawesi Police Chief (Sulut) Inspector General Pol Mulyatno.

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