LEBAK - The Lebak Police Satreskrim succeeded in uncovering an online gambling case in the Lebak Regency area on Wednesday, August 10. A total of three suspects have been arrested, they are DJ (35), RH (52) and LR (63). The three were arrested along with evidence.

"The three perpetrators along with evidence of one unit of Samsung mobile phone, 70 thousand cash, two sheets of dopiste evidence, two sheets of paper number pairs and one savings book along with a BNI Bank ATM in the name of the DJ actor," said AKP Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Indik Rusmono in a written statement, Friday, August 12.

Indik explained, the three arrested actors had different roles in running the online gambling business.

“The DJ is the provider or dealer and has been doing it for about 6 months. As for the perpetrators of RH and LR as installers, they have been doing it for 2 months. The motive is to seek profit,” explained Indik.

In a written statement that the perpetrators used one of the sites on the internet to access online gambling.

“They play gambling by accessing their cellphones. And the DJ players receive number pairs from the installers with a minimum bet of 1,000 for one pair. Then the DJ actors input the data into the program," added Indik.

Indik said, this case was uncovered after his party received reports from local residents who were restless about the existence of online gambling

"After reports from the public about the rise of online lottery gambling, I ordered the resmob team to investigate the matter," said Indik.

After receiving information, the Lebak Police Resmob team conducted an investigation and managed to secure the perpetrators of online gambling.

"After receiving information that on the side of the Jalan Pasir BPM there was a young man who was suspected of being a provider or dealer, after an investigation it turned out that there was indeed an online gambling activity, until finally the three perpetrators were arrested," added Indik.

Lebak Police Chief AKBP Wiwin Setiawan appealed to residents to always be vigilant and not to participate in online gambling activities.

"We appeal to the residents of Lebak Regency to always be vigilant and do not participate in any form of gambling activities, and in accordance with the Banten Police Chief's orders to take firm action and eradicate all forms of gambling," concluded Wiwin.

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