JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency said that women have a strategic role in fortifying society, especially the family environment, from the influence of radicalism and terrorism.

“Women are expected to be the initial filter and early detector of any discrepancies found in their respective families. Family is the first and foremost education in our society,” said the Head of Sub-Directorate for Asia Pacific and Africa, Directorate of Bilateral Cooperation, Deputy for International Cooperation of BNPT Colonel Sus Harianto, quoting Antara, Thursday, August 11.

In a family environment, he said, a woman or mother can be a dialogue partner for her children and husband related to various matters, such as religion and nationality.

He explained that radicalism and terrorism were extraordinary crimes and violated human rights.

According to him, the impact of terrorism does not only result in loss of life and damage to property, but also damages the stability and resilience of the state in terms of economy, security, resilience, socio-culture, and other aspects.

"Terrorism is a threat to modern civilization and is a crime against the peace and security of mankind regardless of ethnicity, race, religion and nation," he said.

The Regional Secretary of Gowa Regency, Kamsina, assessed the importance of this activity in an effort to prevent radicalism and terrorism, especially in the local area, by involving the community, especially women.

“Radicalism and terrorism are phenomena that are the focus of countries in the world. Radicalism and terrorism are ideologies or sects that want social and political change or reform by means of violence," he said.

Radicalism and terrorism, he said, could threaten the existence and sovereignty of the nation and state.

In addition, he said, radicalism and terrorism do not look at the level of a person's status, parents or children, all professions have been entered, including today's millennials. Therefore, he continued, the cooperation of all parties is needed to combat this understanding.

He also said that the task of fighting terrorism and radicalism is not only the responsibility of the BNPT and the government but is a shared responsibility, including women.

“We have to work together or work together to fight this radicalism and terrorism. We as a society are the spearhead and the government must create many forums to raise awareness of radicalism and terrorism,” he said.

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