SURABAYA - The State Electricity Company (PLN) imposed a fine of Rp. 80 million against a doctor in a housing complex in the Pakuwon area of Surabaya.

The sanction in the form of a fine is due to the fact that the electricity meter in his house has a jumper which makes electricity tariffs minus and is detrimental to the state.

"Yes, that's right, this was a finding when PLN officers carried out Controlling the Use of Electricity Voltage (P2TL) on Monday last Monday," said Anas Febrian, Manager of Communications and TJSL PLN UID East Java, confirmed, Thursday, August 11.

Anas said that PLN had checked electricity for more than 83 thousand customers in Surabaya during the first semester of 2022. Of that number, there were 2,904 findings which indicated that the installation of their house connections had abnormalities or discrepancies.

"In detail, there are 1,739 findings affecting the power meter limiter, 824 findings affecting the measurement, and another 256 findings affecting both limitations and measurements. The remaining 85 findings of abnormalities or non-conformances were made by non-customers," he said.

Unfortunately, Anas did not specify the number of customers who were subject to sanctions, either in the form of fines or power cuts.

"The doctor is subject to a penalty in the form of paying a fine of IDR 80 million. The fine is immediately paid and settled. So with various considerations, the electricity supply to the doctor's house is not cut off," he said.

Anas explained that the calculation of the fine was based on the calculation and formula owned by PLN. The fine was due to the condition of the doctor's house electricity meter having problems, such as the seal on the electricity meter being broken and a jumper was also found.

"There should have been things that weren't supposed to be in the meter box, instead jumpers were found, and there were broken cables," he said.

As a result of the jumper installation, the tariffs are set to minus, causing losses to the state. However, Anas did not mention in detail how much PLN lost from the findings.

"As for the detailed loss, we haven't gone there yet. What is clear is that the result of the meter measurement is known to be minus 28 percent," he said.

Anas emphasized that the findings at the doctor's house in the Pakuwon housing area were a violation, as stipulated in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 27 of 2017 which was included in the P-2 violation category, namely violations committed by customers by affecting the measurement of electrical energy.

"After we calculate it in the formula with minus 28 percent with a power capacity of 7700 VA, the fine that must be paid by the doctor is Rp. 80 million," he said.

The Rp80 million billing complaint went viral via an Instagram user upload @dr.maitra_sp.and_mce. He uploaded a bill from PLN which had to be paid in the amount of more than Rp. 80 million.

The bill is a sanction fee because PLN officers who were conducting a survey found an open PLN meter seal. Inside is a cable called slowing the meter rotation.

"Given a fine of Rp 80 million, which of course, if not paid, the electricity will be cut off," wrote the account owner who claimed to be a doctor.

He claimed to have lived in the house for the last 12 years. He knew the meter belonged to PLN and the seal was not allowed to be opened. He and his family admitted that they had never touched the item.

A year ago, he once increased the power and called PLN officers. At that time he asked the PLN officer and made sure the meter had no problems. "I also remember that when I bought this house, I had called the PLN officer to open the power limit because it would be used for the celebration of entering the house. The officer also stated that everything was in order. Unfortunately there is no written evidence," he said.

Not only that, he admitted that every month, there are PLN officers who record the meter. However, the officer never said there were any reports of problems. He also admitted that he did not know who did this to the meter in his house.

At the end of the post, he shared tips for his followers to always lock the home electricity meter box, and call the PLN officer if there is a problem with the meter.

"Don't forget to ask for the minutes as evidence," he wrote.

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