KALTENG - The Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) has activated 19 posts in various areas that are considered prone to forest and land fires (karhutla). ," said the Head of the Central Kalimantan Disaster Management and Fire Fighting Agency (BPB-PK) Falery Tuwan in Palangka Raya, quoted from Antara, Thursday, August 11. prevent the occurrence of forest and land fires. "We have activated this command post and each officer is always on standby and carrying out his duties. The existence of this post has been counted for 90 days since it was first activated," he explained. for 24 hours to collect data on hot spots or 'hotspots', empowering the Fire Care Community (MPA), and others.

In addition, Central Kalimantan BPB-PK together with other relevant agencies also jointly ensure the readiness and feasibility of supporting infrastructure in handling forest and land fires. His party continues to improve synergies and cross-sectoral coordination, so that the anticipation and mitigation of forest and land fires in Central Kalimantan can be carried out optimally. Especially based on the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) forecast that the dry peak in Central Kalimantan will occur in August 2022. For this reason, all parties, including the community, are asked to increase their awareness and vigilance, together to protect the surrounding environment, especially in preventing forest and land fires.

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