JAKARTA - The team of attorneys for the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) discussed plans to clarify a number of parties for alleged violations of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. This response comes after the National Police will clarify the alleged violation of the health protocol over the appearance of a crowd at Rizieq Shihab's activities.

"Regarding the alleged violation of Article 93 in conjunction with 9 paragraph (1) of Law Number 6/2018 in conjunction with Article 216 of the Criminal Code against HRS and HPI, first, the allegation is still premature legally," FPI attorney Aziz Yanuar told reporters, Monday 16 November night.

The reason is, Article 93 of the Health Quarantine Law according to Aziz states the phrase 'causes a public health emergency'. This refers to the attachment to the Kepmenkes 413/2020 in conjunction with Presidential Decree 11/2020 which states that COVID-19 is included in a public health emergency (KKM).

"So what is the legal basis for determining the incident last Sunday night to enter KKM? Where is the legal evidence? "There should be a clear basis for the KKM to emerge first, then proceed with summons for clarification and the like," said Aziz.

Rizieq Shihab also questioned how the previous health protocol violations were. FPI's attorney gave an example of a ministerial coordination meeting in Bali last June.

"Gather without masks and don't keep your distance. There are no sanctions and fines and no removal of local security forces, ”continued Aziz.

There is also a marathon event in Magelang, Central Java which was also mentioned. According to Aziz, the spectators gathered without keeping their distance but there was no sanction for removing the local security forces.

"Gibran, a list of prospective candidates for mayor of Solo in September, gathered a lot of people without sanctions and fines. There was no dismissal of the security forces in Solo. In fact, Gibran's reasons for supporting were many and they could not be obeyed, ”continued Aziz, citing other incidents.

"Why is all of the above examples not a little problematic? There was no excitement until the security forces were removed, ”said Aziz.

He reminded the question of the right of everyone to receive equal treatment in administering health quarantine. "This means that HRS and FPI and others have the same rights as other parties, equal position before the law," he added.

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