JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Idham Azis also rotates North Maluku Regional Police Chief Inspector General Rikwanto. The National Police Chief appointed Rikwanto as the South Kalimantan Police Chief.

This is based on the Head of Police's Telegram Letter Number: ST / 3222 / XI / KEP. / 2020 dated 16 November 2020.

Rikwanto was appointed to replace Inspector General Nico Afinta. Meanwhile, Nico is currently appointed as the Head of East Java Police to replace Inspector General Fadil Imran who has been appointed as the Head of Metro Jaya Police to replace Inspector General Nana Sudjana.

Apart from them, the following is a complete list of the rotation of a number of Kapolda, among others.

- Kapolda Maluku, Inspector General Baharuddin Djafar who was transferred as the Chief Policy Analyst for Baharkam Polri.

- Head of Bali Police, Inspector General Petro Golose who was transferred as Pati Bareskrim Polri (preparation for assignment outside the structure).

- Kapolda Metro Jaya, Inspector General Nana Sujana who was transferred as Korsahli Kapolri.

- Head of East Java Regional Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran who was transferred as Kapolda Metro Jaya.

- Head of South Kalimantan Police, Inspector General Nico Afinta who was transferred as Head of East Java Regional Police.

- West Java Police Chief, Inspector General Rudy Sufahriadi, who was transferred as the Main Police Lecturer at Sespim, Lemdiklat Polri.

- Head of Jambi Police, Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi who was transferred as Assistant Chief of Police.

Meanwhile, Ijen Nico Afinta previously served as Head of South Kalimantan Police since May 2020 replacing Inspector General Pol Fadil Imran. He is a high-ranking police officer who has experience in the field of investigation.

The man who was born on April 30, 1971 from Surabaya is also a 1992 Police Academy graduate and had served as the Chief of Police's Social and Political Staff.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Inspector General Pol Argo Yuwono, said the change was a sanction for the two Heads of Police (Metro Jaya and West Java), for not enforcing regulations regarding the COVID-19 health protocol in their area.

"There are two police chiefs who do not carry out orders to enforce health protocols, so they will be given sanctions in the form of dismissal, namely the Head of the Metro Jaya Police. Then the second is the West Java Police Chief," Argo said at a press conference in Jakarta.

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