JAKARTA - The initial chronology of Brigadier J's death was not just a fiction. However, the hoax also involved many parties from various divisions within the National Police.

There were many irregularities that were felt when this case was first announced by the Police. The South Jakarta Police Chief's explanation at the time, Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto, even made more loopholes if there was an unpleasant smell behind the death of Brigadier J.

The increasing public pressure inevitably made the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo immediately form a special team to investigate in detail.

It is evident that the team did find that there were attempts to eliminate evidence, manipulate and obstruct the investigation process, which made the investigation of this case feel slow. Timsus also found unprofessional behavior during the crime scene. Including when Brigadier J's body was handed over to his family in Jambi.

"Some time ago we have taken the decision to deactivate the Head of the South Jakarta Police, Karo Paminal of the Police Propam Division, and Karo Provost," said the National Police Chief, Tuesday, August 9.

There are 25 Polri personnel who have been investigated for alleged violations of the professional code of ethics. Including attempts to destroy evidence, obfuscate and manipulate.

The National Police Chief has already punished them by 'throwing' them to Yanma Polri.

And apparently, there are more and more allegations of violations of the professional code of ethics by Polri personnel. A total of 11 additional personnel were examined.

"It consists of a 2-star, two 1-star, 2 Kombes, 3 AKBP, 2 Kompol, and 1 AKP," explained the National Police Chief.

"And this possibility can still increase," he continued.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD also explained that those who are considered to have committed ethical violations should not be happy just yet. It is possible that the police will drag them towards criminals.

"For example, deliberately removing CCTV for the loss of traces and evidence, it can also be criminalized. What is important now is that the eggs have been broken, that's what we appreciate from the police," said Coordinating Minister Mahfud.

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