JAKARAT - Member of Commission III of the DPR from the PPP faction, Arsul Sani, satirized officials who said there was a new suspect in the death case of Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat (J). According to him, only the Bareskrim Polri has the authority to announce new suspects.

Allegedly, Arsul satirized the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, who previously gave a statement regarding this matter.

"The person authorized to announce the suspect is the Bareskrim Polri, let alone other officials who say there is a third suspect," said Arsul at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 9.

The Deputy Chairperson of the MPR also asked all parties to work according to their main duties and functions in the case of Brigadier J's death. Including the National Commission on Human Rights (HAM) which also handled this case. Arsul said, there should be no overlapping institutions.

"Overlapping what? Duties and responsibilities," he insisted

Arsul considered that Komnas HAM was tasked with seeing whether the death of Brigadier J contained elements of violating human rights. However, according to him, the communication carried out by Komnas HAM is considered to exceed its duties. It is known that Komnas HAM routinely reports findings to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

"If the public communication seems to be investigating in a pro-justice framework, then it will also create an impression on the public. Who has the authority to carry out pro-justice investigations?" he said.

Arsul also appealed to all parties to guard what was being processed at the Police. According to him, all state institutions and officials must guard and not dictate to the police.

"What we are doing is in the framework of guarding and supervising but also not dictating like that, because it also gives the impression that we do not trust our Police. I think that is the common awareness of all state institutions and officials," said Arsul.

Previously, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md said that there were three suspects in the murder case of Brigadier J. He even said the case could be developed more widely.

"You have to be careful. And there are three suspects, three of them can develop and the articles are 338, 340, the new one is premeditated murder and later it will reach a clearer role, whether the intellectual actor or the executor," said Mahfud at the complex. Palace, Jakarta, Monday, August 8th.

Currently, the National Police have named two people as suspects related to the death of Brigadier Joshua, namely Bharada E and Brigadier RR.

However, Mahfud did not mention who the third suspect was. He only said that the handling of Brigadier J's case was fast in an environment filled with code of silence.

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