JAKARTA - The Public Relations Coordinator of the Solo Debarkation Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) Sarip Sahrul Samsudin revealed that Indonesian Hajj pilgrims are known to be the most disciplined in maintaining health protocols (prokes) by wearing masks during worship in the Holy Land.

Sarip Sahrul Samsudin, at the Donohudan Hajj Dormitory in Boyolali, Tuesday, said Indonesian pilgrims, including those from the Solo Debarkation, were disciplined in applying prokes compared to pilgrims from other countries during their worship in Saudi Arabia.

"Our congregations during their worship, both in Mecca and in Medina, include the discipline of wearing masks, so that those who wear masks are recognized as mostly from Indonesia," said Sarip, reported by Antara.

In addition, the Government of Saudi Arabia also appreciated the Indonesian congregation regarding the implementation of the COVID-19 process during worship in the Holy Land. Indonesian congregations are always disciplined in implementing the procedures and can maintain the trust of the Saudi Arabian Government.

Sarip said that the development of COVID-19 cases during the repatriation of hajj pilgrims to the Solo Debarkation group of 36, who were tested positive for COVID-19 upon arrival in the country, was recorded at four.

The positive pilgrims consisted of one member of group three from Jepara, group 11 and 12 each from Magelang, and the other from group 13 from Klaten.

"The COVID-19 case can be controlled thanks to the discipline of the pilgrims in maintaining the health procedures since their departure to the Holy Land until their return to the country while still wearing masks," said Sarip.

Sarip said that the Solo Debarkation PIH had just returned the pilgrims from Boyolali and Pemalang Regencies, early Tuesday morning to their respective regions. Hajj group 35 arrived at Adi Soemarmo Boyolali Airport, Monday, August 8, at 22:44 WIB or 16 minutes early from the original schedule.

"Hajis who have just arrived at the Donohudan Boyolali Hajj Dormitory are immediately subjected to an antigen swab test as an anticipatory measure to prevent COVID-19 before they are sent back to their area," said Sarip.

Thus, the number of Solo Debarkation pilgrims who have been repatriated to their respective regions up to a group of 35 as many as 12,209 people out of a total of 15,447 pilgrims who were dispatched to the Holy Land divided into 43 groups.

The Solo Debarkation Hajj pilgrims who have departed from Saudi Arabia to the country up to batch 36 are 12,570 people and are still in Saudi Arabia 2,861 people.

As of Tuesday, August 9, there were six people from the Solo Debarkation hajj pilgrims who are still being referred and treated at the Saudi Arabian Hospital. As of Tuesday, August 9, there were two people from groups 16, 22, 30 and 39.

There were 17 pilgrims who died in Saudi Arabia, consisting of 14 people in Mecca, two others in Medina and one person on the plane on the way back to the country.

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