Convoy Raises Sajam Then Runs Mobile Phone Counter Employee's Motorcycle, 2 Members Of North Sumatra's Binjai Motorcycle Gang Arrested
Evidence of sharp weapons (sajam) motorcycle gangs in North Sumatra Binjai / POLICE DOC

MEDAN - A video showing a group of teenagers riding motorbikes carrying sharp weapons has been widely circulated on social media.

In the video, the teenagers are in a convoy brandishing their sharp weapons.

The Head of Public Relations of the Binjai Police, Iptu Junaidi, explained that the incident was recorded on Sunday, August 7th. In addition to making people restless during the convoy, this motorcycle gang also looted a cell phone counter on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Pahlawan Village, North Binjai District.

"At that time, this motorcycle gang stopped and stopped every motorbike that passed. Then they entered the shop and came to the victim who was 17 years old with 2 friends while brandishing a klewang and sickle," said Iptu Junaidi, Monday, August 8.

Seeing this, the victim and her two friends became frightened. They then tried to run away, but left their 3 motorbikes parked in front of the shop.

"Then the perpetrators of the motorcycle gang forcibly took 1 Honda Scoopy motorbike from the victim who was in a locked handlebar condition. For this incident the victim made a report to the North Binjai Police," he explained.

The police who received the report immediately launched an investigation. From the results of the investigation, officers obtained information on the whereabouts of the perpetrators.

"Officers received information that an 18-year-old perpetrator had been detained by residents as a member of a motorcycle gang," he said.

When interrogated, the perpetrator admitted all his actions. Furthermore, officers secured another perpetrator with the initials RAH (21) along with the victim's motorbike on Jalan T Amir Hamzah.

"To the officers, the perpetrator of RAH I admitted to stealing the victim's motorbike and using a sickle belonging to the perpetrator," he explained.

Furthermore, the perpetrator and a number of evidence in the form of 2 sharp weapons belonging to the perpetrator and the victim's motorbike were taken to the North Binjai Police for the investigation process.

"For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with the crime of theft with violence as referred to in Article 365 Subs 363 yo 55.56 of the Criminal Code Subs Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951," he said.

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