KUPANG - The Investigative Team from the Kupang City Police has examined four witnesses related to the case of finding the body of a man who was charred and dumped in the river to die in Liliba, Maulafa District, Kupang City.

"We have examined four witnesses regarding the case of finding the body of a man and they are currently still in the process of being investigated," said Kupang City Police Chief Kombes Rishian Krisna B when met in his office in Kupang, Antara, Monday, August 8.

This was conveyed in connection with the development of the case of the discovery of the body of a man whose identity has not been identified as a result of being burned, which was previously found by an elementary school child while crossing the area.

Police are also tracing digital footprints as part of a series of investigations. Because at the time of the fire there was also found one mobile phone that was also charred which was held by the victim.

"From the digital footprint of the burned cellphone, we are trying to find out who was the last person contacted. We will find out who the man who was on fire will be," he said.

In addition, the DNA examination process was also carried out to reveal the truth of the identity of the burnt victim.

As of Monday afternoon, no reports have been received regarding the loss of family members. According to the Police Chief, his party is trying to find out who the victim was.

Earlier on Tuesday, residents of Naimata and Liliba Villages, Maulafa Subdistrict, Kupang City, suddenly got excited because they were surprised by the discovery of a man's corpse in a charred condition in a dead river in the area.

The location of the discovery of the body is about 75 meters from the Liliba Public Cemetery (TPU). When found, the victim was in a supine position. His right hand rested on his forehead and his legs crossed.

There were bruises on the victim's mouth. Next to the body was found a cellphone. There are also some dried teak leaves that were burned.

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