JAKARTA - The Resort Police (Polres) of Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, chased a travel vehicle robber that crossed the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road, South Sumatra, precisely in the Sindang Kelingi District, Rejang Lebong, last Monday, August 1.

The Rejang Lebong Police Chief, AKBP Tonny Kurniawan, said that the alleged hijacking experienced by the travel driver and his passengers had been reported to the Sindang Kelingi Police.

"The victim has made a report and it has been received by the Sindang Kelingi Police. We are currently hunting for the alleged perpetrators," said Tonny quoting Antara, Sunday, August 7.

He explained that in addition to hunting down the alleged perpetrator, the Rejang Lebong Police Opsnal team was also looking for the person the victim mentioned in his upload on social media as the head of security and had received security money passing through the area.

His party is also trying to contact the Padang-Bengkulu travel driver, plate BA 1285 YN because until Sunday afternoon, his staff had been contacted several times but were not active.

He appealed to road users who will cross the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road not to give security money to anyone. Then drivers who hesitate to pass can ask for an escort of officers from the Sindang Kelingi Police and Padang Ulak Tanding Police (PUT) which are provided free of charge.

Previously circulating on Facebook social media in the name of Novia Sulastri uploaded a robbery victim on the Curup-Lubuklinggau Cross Road, to be precise in the Village of Chief Curup, Binduriang District, but according to the police report from the Sindang Kelingi Police the location is in Cahaya Negeri Village, Sindang Kelingi District on Monday, August 1, around 03.30 WIB.

Novia Sulastri told that if she and her husband and their toddler child took a trip from Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra to Bengkulu City on BA 1285 YN plate driven by a driver named Rahmat.

The burglary, said Novia, occurred after a while the travel driver paid a certain amount of security money. First, the car was stopped by a motorcyclist and asked for cigarette money and the driver gave some money.

After returning to continue the journey, not long ago, three people riding motorbikes were again intercepted by asking for Rp. 15,000. When the car stopped, two of the perpetrators immediately got down with sharp weapons such as knives and a machete, then held the driver and her husband at gunpoint.

As a result of the incident, the driver and her husband lost their cellphones, money and other valuable documents, but fortunately the perpetrators of this robbery did not take action against the victim Novia Sulastri, who was holding her child at that time, so the robbers gave up their intentions.

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