JAKARTA - Head of BNPB Doni Monardo apologized if there were a number of parties who protested about giving masks to the crowd at the Prophet's birthday event organized by FPI leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

"We are sorry if the steps taken are not very pleasant," Doni said in a press conference broadcast on YouTube BNPB Indonesia, Sunday, November 15.

The head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force admitted that his party had appealed to no crowd at the event held by Rizieq. However, unfortunately the masses who were present could not be limited.

"The Task Force itself provided mask assistance so that people could use masks after the notification step was not heeded, meaning that it was still implemented," said Doni.

So, the final solution for the COVID-19 Task Force was to give 20 thousand masks to the masses of Rizieq's followers. These masks are solely to provide protection to the people present so they are not exposed to COVID-19.

"You can imagine if there is no mask assistance, then someone is exposed to COVID, one another can infect, so the impact of the transmission process will be more and more, the more worrying us," he said.

As is well known, the neglect of the crowd at Rizieq Shihab's residence caused a disappointed reaction from many parties. Because, currently Jakarta is still implementing the transitional PSBB period.

One of them was a medical volunteer for handling COVID-19, doctor Tirta Mandira Hudhi, who admitted he was disappointed with the attitude of the DKI Provincial Government and BNPB for allowing crowds to attend the Prophet's birthday and Rizieq's wedding.

As a volunteer who has been on duty for eight months, Tirta admitted that he was furious when the government implemented the transitional PSBB, on the other hand, it actually allowed and distributed masks at an event held by Rizieq.

"A figure made a crowd at the wedding, allowed by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, even the event was given 20 thousand masks by BNPB. Even though there was a mask action team in Jakarta. But, there was one event where masks were even distributed. Angry? Clear. Disappointed? Obviously. I have many health workers who died. They died dealing with COVID-19, "said Tirta.

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