JAKARTA - The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) said that the disclosure of the case of Brigadier J's death became clearer after a series of gatherings of information from various parties.

"This makes our position to see that the handling of Brigadier J's case is getting brighter and clearer," said Komnas HAM member Mohammad Choirul Anam after asking for information from the special police team and cyber team, reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 5.

The clarity of the case was after Komnas HAM received information from the National Police regarding 10 cell phones that had been examined.

The information obtained by Komnas HAM is also closely related to the time constraint that the human rights institution obtained from the start when meeting Brigadier J's family in Jambi.

"It's also measurable, from the results of our investigation, the 10 cellphones were time constrained and confirmed, including the substance," said Anam.

Of the 10 cell phones that have been checked by the National Police, Komnas HAM has again examined them one by one in detail.

In fact, he said, Komnas HAM also explained extensively about the use of the tools, the methods used, and the logic of how they worked.

"Including how to treat the cellphone and get the substance," he said.

For the other five cellphones that are currently still being analyzed, Komnas HAM will still wait and immediately ask for information when the inspection has been completed.

Regarding cell phone ownership, Anam did not answer. The reason is, this is part of what will be investigated by Komnas HAM.

All information obtained from the 10 mobile phones will be synchronized with materials previously obtained by Komnas HAM.

"Therefore, we cannot mention whose mobile phone it is, what brand, what type, and so on," said Anam.

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