JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya foiled an attempt to smuggle cocaine seeds from Indonesia to other countries. The mode used, cocaine disguised with finger puppets or finger puppets.

"The method used is to camouflage evidence in the form of finger puppets and delivery services," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Friday, August 5.

This smuggling attempt was foiled thanks to the cooperation of the police with Customs and Excise. One suspect with the initials SDS (51) was arrested in Bandung, on Monday, August 1.

Then, the evidence that was secured were 200 cocaine seeds, three coca trees, and finger puppets.

The results of the preliminary examination, the suspect SDS sold the cocaine seeds online or on a website. Usually he sends the prohibited goods to America, Australia, to countries in Europe.

Then, the suspect charged 40 US dollars which contained 25 pills per package. Zulpan said the suspect had sent the cocaine packages several times.

"One month the suspect can send as many as five to seven packages of cocaine seeds abroad," said Zulpan.

In this case, the suspect is charged with Article 114 subsidiary Article 113 subsidiary Article 111, RI Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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