JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) emphasized that all parties must wait for the results of the re-autopsy of Brigadier J's body to answer the cause of his death.

"The biggest question is whether the late Joshua died solely from gunshots or for other reasons, I think it must be answered scientifically," said Komnas HAM chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 5.

With the re-autopsy, all parties must wait for the results and avoid debate. Moreover, the team appointed to conduct a re-autopsy are experts who are credible in their fields.

Not only that, the team that conducted the re-autopsy involved elements of the TNI and was monitored directly by lawyers, Komnas HAM, and Kompolnas.

Taufan said that from all the mapping carried out by the agency, the focus was between private houses and the official residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

He said that Komnas HAM deliberately did not discuss what happened in Magelang, Central Java. for finding the facts in Magelang in a happy atmosphere with the celebration. At that time, Brigadier J and Bharada E were also in the same place.

In addition, Taufan straightened out that Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was not together with the group from Magelang to Jakarta, but he was using a plane.

"With the evidence we got, namely the ticket, we got certainty that he was on 7 in the morning, at 07.00 WIB with one aide leaving from Yogyakarta to Jakarta," explained Taufan.

Meanwhile, the entourage of Ferdy Sambo's wife, Bharada E, Brigadier J, including household assistants and others left for Jakarta. Everything was recorded through CCTV and arrived around 15.30 WIB. However, Komnas HAM will re-check the calibration of the recording.

"We don't just accept the data provided by the National Police Headquarters, but we have independent experts to check," he explained.

This is to ensure whether the CCTV footage provided includes editing or manipulation. Through the recording, Komnas HAM saw Ferdy Sambo and his aide accompanied by a PCR swab test officer enter the house.

Not long ago, the entourage of Ferdy Sambo's wife, including Bharada E and Brigadier J, also came and did a PCR swab test at a private house located on Jalan Saguling, Duren Tiga.

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