JAKARTA - The Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab will carry out the consolidation of the moral revolution through tabligh akbar activities in various provinces.

This will be done by him and other FPI officials, after he rested for several days due to his deteriorating health condition after arriving in Indonesia from Saudi Arabia.

"After I rest for a few days so that conditions are really fit, I with the FPI DPP management will tour Indonesia," said Rizieq in the Prophet's birthday program broadcast on YouTube Front TV account, early Sunday, November 15.

"We will go to each province, we invite all people and we will coordinate and consolidate for the moral revolution," he added.

He gave an ultimatum to all parties, so as not to try to obstruct the tablig akbar in the context of consolidating this moral revolution. He will not tolerate anyone who gets in the way of this activity.

"We will not tolerate anyone who tries to obstruct the tabligh and recitation of the people," he said.

Rizieq said that when he toured Indonesia, he would meet habib, ulama, and Islamic leaders in various regions to carry out a moral revolution.

This is because this revolution can only happen if it gets support from various parties, including Muslims in various regions.

He also emphasized that in this moral revolution, his party would not use any weapons.

"I said no. Unless the enemy uses weapons, shoots at us. Unless the enemy uses weapons to kill us, we take up arms, we are at war," he said.

On that occasion, Rizieq also explained that he was open to reconciliation and dialogue with the government. He said, this was part of a moral revolution based on Islamic teachings and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Based on the teachings of the prophet, Islam, the Koran and the Sunnah, we cannot close the door of dialogue, close the door of peace and reconciliation," he said.

However, he did not want to be called soft, because after shouting moral revolution he opened the door to dialogue. According to him, this is a smart step in a revolution.

"I'm not an apem cake, soft. Talk about a smart revolution and talk about a revolution that delivers Islamic teachings. Never mind revolution, war, the prophet never leaves morals," he said.

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