JAKARTA - Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen stressed that his party would not be provocative in responding to China's military drills near its territory, but would take firm action, stating that his country would not be afraid.

China deployed aircraft and fired missiles directly near Taiwan on Thursday in its biggest ever drill in the Taiwan Strait, a day after US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a solidarity trip to the self-governing island.

China's military confirmed multiple firings of conventional missiles in Taiwanese waters, as part of planned drills in six zones that will last until noon Sunday.

China's CCTV television said the military exercise this time involved more than 100 aircraft, including fighter jets and bombers and more than 10 warships. state broadcaster CCTV.

It said the missiles fired by China flew high into the atmosphere and did not threaten it, responding to public concerns about whether they passed over the main island of Taiwan.

"US-Taiwanese collusion and provocation will only push Taiwan to the brink of disaster, bringing havoc to Taiwan's comrades," a spokesman for China's Ministry of Defense said.

Meanwhile, Taiwan said 11 Chinese Dongfeng ballistic missiles had been fired in nearby waters, the first time since 1996.

Taiwanese officials say the exercises violate UN rules, invade space and threaten air and high seas navigation. It has been self-governing since 1949, when communist Mao Zedong took power in Beijing after defeating nationalist Kuomintang (KMT) Chiang Kai-shek in a civil war, prompting the KMT-led government to retreat to the island.

Responding to China's drills, President Tsai Ing-wen said Taiwan would not provoke conflict, but would resolutely defend its sovereignty and national security.

"Taiwan will never be knocked down by a challenge," Tsai stressed in a recorded video message to the Taiwanese people.

"We are calm and not in a hurry, we are rational and not provocative, but we will also be firm and not shirk," he continued.

Separately, the White House condemned China's move as "irresponsible" and said it expected Beijing to continue to react in the coming days.

"Beijing's provocative actions are a significant escalation of its long-term effort to change the status quo," said US national security spokesman John Kirby.

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