LUBUKBASUNG - The Government of Agam Regency, West Sumatra prioritizes building roads and bridges by allocating funds of IDR 84 billion in 2022, to facilitate access to transportation to bring agricultural and plantation products.

"The construction of roads and bridges is a priority starting in 2020," said Agam Regional Secretary, Edi Busti while reviewing road construction in Padang Madani, Lubukbasung District, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, August 4.

The review was accompanied by the Head of the Public Work and Spatial Planning Service, Agam Ofrizon, the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Agam Bambang Warsito, the Head of Highways of the DPUTR Agam Gani Basya, the Head of Information for Public Communications of Diskominfo Agam Antono and others.

He said the Agam Regency Government in 2022 will allocate funds in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of Rp. 84 billion.

The funds were used for the reconstruction and maintenance of 53 road sections spread over 16 sub-districts and the construction of four bridge units.

The four bridges are in Bandar Rakik, Banuhampu sub-district with a length of 25 meters with type b, the Kampung Melayu bridge in Ampeknagari sub-district with a length of 25 meters, the Gantuang Sitajun bridge in Lubukbasung sub-district with a length of 35 meters and the Kampung Pili bridge with the revised APBD.

"Reconstruction, road and bridge maintenance are ongoing and hope to be completed by October 2022," he said.

The opening of access is in order to make community activities in rural areas affordable by means of roads and bridges can be carried out properly.

This is with the hope of boosting the economy in the agricultural and plantation sectors.

With built access, he added, transportation costs will be lower. When transportation costs are low, people's income will certainly be higher, because they do not incur transportation costs.

"This is what was built, once the district government pays attention to the main interests of the community," he said.

He added that next year the focus will be on the reconstruction of the sections that have not yet been completed and this is a sustainable program for next year.

This will be the main target and priority in future development.

"The design of the 2023 APBD for the reconstruction or maintenance of roads and bridges is almost the same as this year's funds," he said.

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