JAKARTA - Hundreds of tons of waste in temporary dumps in the Karawang Regency, West Java are not transported to the Jalupang final disposal site (TPA). There is a limited fleet of garbage collectors.

Secretary of the local Environment and Hygiene Service Agus Sanusi in Karawang, said the volume of waste in Karawang is quite high, reaching 1,200 tons per day.

Of the 1,200 tons of waste, only 350 tons were transported to the TPA. The calculation is that each person produces 0.5 kilograms of waste per day.

So if this number is multiplied by a population of 2.4 million people, the volume of waste in Karawang per day reaches 1,200 tons.

He admitted that the volume of waste that reached 1,200 tons could not be transported entirely to the Jalupang TPA. That's because it is constrained by the limited fleet of garbage collectors.

He said, until now there are only 64 fleets of garbage collectors belonging to the service and rented. The capacity of carrying 64 fleets is only 350 tons per day.

"The remaining 800 tons or more are managed at TPS3R (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle Waste Management), TPST (Integrated Waste Processing Sites) and waste banks," Agus said, Thursday, August 4.

The Deputy Regent of Karawang, Aep Syaepuloh, hopes that waste management will be maximized by managing it at the sub-district level TPS. So that not much waste is transported to the landfill.

"We maximize the TPS3R in each sub-district, hopefully it can be optimized," he said.

Waste management at the sub-district level will also be able to overcome the problem of limited waste transport fleets.

"I have conveyed to the environmental service not only by buying another fleet for waste handling. But how to manage waste in each sub-district," he said.

In the future, it is hoped that waste management can be carried out by optimizing management at the sub-district level. So it can reduce the burden of the landfill.

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