JAKARTA - The Central Executive Board of the United Development Party (DPP PPP) accommodated the aspirations of cadres from a number of regions who proposed that the party bearing the Kaaba symbol support Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno to run for the 2024 presidential election.

PPP Deputy Arsul Sani said the DPP would consider Sandiaga as a candidate for president or vice president proposed by PPP. Including the names of other figures proposed by PPP cadres.

"Indeed, there are a number of PPP cadres and administrators in areas such as Aceh above as well as Gorontalo and other Sulawesi who have asked the PPP DPP to consider the name Pak Sandi Uno for the 2024 presidential election, either as a candidate for president or vice president proposed by PPP," Arsul told reporters, Thursday, August 4. .

"Of course we accommodate all of this as suggested by other names such as Khofifah, Anies, Ridwan Kamil, Mahfud MD and others," he continued.

Arsul emphasized that PPP did not close itself to the voices of cadres in the regions related to the election of the cawapres candidate figure. However, he reminded that PPP is currently part of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) with Golkar and PAN. Thus, the question of the name needs to be communicated with the coalition.

"The PPP itself will only hold a deliberation forum regarding the presidential candidate pair later at a time that is deemed appropriate. And because PPP is in KIB, of course after discussing it with Golkar and PAN. In principle, PPP will not block the voices of cadres and administrators below," said Arsul.

Previously, the Aceh PPP DPW supported Sandiaga Uno to run for the 2024 presidential election. This was conveyed directly when Sandiaga attended a gathering in Aceh, Wednesday, August 3. Meanwhile, Sandiaga Uno expressed his gratitude and said he was grateful to be able to stay in touch, and listen to the aspirations of the PPP DPW management Aceh to jointly generate the economy and present a prosperous, just and prosperous Indonesia.

"Of course I really appreciate it, in accordance with the direction from the President that we have entered the election stage, but each minister must focus on completing tasks related to job creation," said Sandiaga Uno, Wednesday, August 3.

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