JAYAPURA - The commander of Korem 172/PWY Brigadier General JO Sembiring said he was responsible if there were soldiers involved in the escape of the Regent of Central Mamberamo Ricky Ham Pagawak (RPH), who is a KPK suspect.

"I will be responsible if there are soldiers involved in the escape of the Regent of Mamteng RPH," said Brigadier General Sembiring in Jayapura, Antara, Tuesday, August 2.

It was emphasized that the TNI had the same passion to eradicate corruption cases, so that with this news, it certainly became the attention of Korem 172/PWY.

The TNI in enforcing corruption cases is ready to assist any authorized party in investigating suspected corruption cases.

So far, there has been no finding of involvement of TNI soldiers in helping Ricky Ham Pagawak escape, and the ranks of the XVII/Cenderawasih Military Command have also supported the Papuan Police to find the whereabouts of RHP.

If there are allegations of involvement of TNI members in helping the escape of the Regent of Mamberamo Tengah RHP, further deepening and investigation will be carried out in accordance with legal procedures applicable in the TNI, said Danrem 172/PWY Brigadier General Sembiring.

Central Mamberamo Regent Ricky Ham Pagawak, has been on the people's livelihood list (DPO) since 15 July.

The KPK has named Ricky Ham Pagawak as a suspect in the 2013-2019 bribery and gratification case in Central Mamberamo Regency.

Ricky Ham Pagawak was last reported to have been seen around the Skouw market, Jayapura, on the RI-PNG border, Thursday (14/7) and allegedly fled to PNG via the path between Skouw (RI) -Wutung (PNG).

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