JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has started the construction of a road through the Lebak Bulus area. The through road from Jalan Lebak Bulus I to Jalan Lebak Bulus III, West Cilandak Village, Cilandak District, South Jakarta.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Highways Agency, Hari Nugroho, said that the construction of the passage from Jalan Lebak Bulus I to Jalan Lebak Bulus III is for structuring and providing new road access. Because there are frequent traffic jams.

"The road through Lebak Bulus I to Lebal Bulus III is a series of arrangements in Fatmawati. Access to Lebak Bulus 1, 2, and 3 is very vital, so starnation occurs there. So we are speeding through the way there," said Hari when contacted , Tuesday, August 2nd.

Hari revealed that the construction of the passage from Jalan Lebak Bulus I to Jalan Lebak Bulus III is estimated at 11,987 square meters.

"We have progressed to 500 meters. Later, the 500 meters behind it will pass through to Poltekkes," said Hari.

In the construction of this through road, the DKI Provincial Government must carry out land acquisition. This refers to the Regulation of the Minister of ATR/KBPN Number 19 of 2021 concerning Provisions for Implementing PP 19 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest.

It is estimated that the implementation period of land acquisition is expected to be completed in approximately 502 working days or for 3 years according to the maximum time for determining the location. However, Hari hopes that the construction implementation period can be completed in 2023.

"If we target it to be completed this year. Reflecting on Permen ATR/KBPN Number 19, the acquisition (of land) takes more than a year. So, we will shorten it," he explained.

Furthermore, Hari revealed that the comprehensive purpose of making this pass is to provide road access, providing road space for pedestrians in accordance with the objectives of TOD.

The next goal is to support activities in health facilities to the economy around the TOD Fatmawati area. Then, to increase the road area as a connecting access between one area and another in accordance with the requirements and criteria of planning design.

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