JAYAPURA - A resident who was crossing the TransNabire-Enarotali Road, precisely around SMA Negeri 1 Mapia, Dogiyai Regency, Papua, was shot by an unknown person (OTK).

Dogiyai Police Chief Commissioner Samuel Tatiratu confirmed the shooting case against a resident named Martinus Dogomo (16).

Initially there were residents who reported to the Mapia Police about the shooting. However, said the Chief of Police, when he was about to be found the person in question was no longer there.

At the scene of the shooting, the police found eight cartridges. The police also met with a resident with the initials YK (witness) who claimed to have heard gunshots at around 03.00 WIT.

The witness saw two young men crossing the road around SMA Negeri 1 Mapia using a motorbike. At that time, the victim was in a slinging position.

Commissioner Samuel Tatiratu said that his party received a report about the victim being taken to the Nabire Hospital.

"The Dogomo victim suffered a wound on his hand. However, we cannot confirm the cause because the victim's family did not allow the security forces to approach and ask for information," he said.

The Dogiyai Police Chief admitted that he could not confirm who the perpetrator was because the information related to the case was still minimal. Police are still investigating.

Police hope that the victim will be able to provide information about the incident as soon as possible.

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