JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman visited the Military Academy (Akmil) to see the operational readiness of Akmil cadets' education. This includes educational facilities and infrastructure at the Magelang Military Academy.

General Dudung, who arrived Monday, August 1, was greeted by the Governor of the Akmil TNI, Major General Legowo WR Jatmiko, accompanied by the Main Official at the Akmil Mainhall.

Then Dudung received an explanation from the Director of Education (Dirdik) of the Military Academy Brigadier General D. Ricky Lumintang regarding the operational readiness of the Chandradimuka Military Academy Taruna (Diksarit) which includes 10 educational components.

After that, Dudung saw the readiness of the Taruna bed barracks, which were still in the process of being renovated in order to be ready to support educational operations at the Military Academy.

General Dudung reminded the facilities and infrastructure to support educational operations to be prepared as well as possible so that the implementation of education can run well and smoothly.

"To support education, I ask for the readiness of the Taruna barracks so that repairs can be accelerated, including the availability of water for bathrooms and no less important is that the need for drinking water for the cadets must be kept clean so that the health of the cadets is maintained," said KSAD Dudung, quoted from Dispenad.

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