RIAU - The Riau Provincial Government recorded that six Hang Nadim Batam (BTH) Flying Group 4 hajj pilgrims were positive for COVID-19. The results are obtained after performing an antigen test.

"Hajj which is confirmed positive for COVID-19 is subject to rules in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health," said Assistant I to the Riau Province Regional Secretariat, Masrul Kasmy to the media in Pekanbaru, Antara, Sunday, July 31.

Confirmed pilgrims will still be returned to their respective areas with special treatment from the regional health team. After arriving in the area, confirmed pilgrims must self-isolate.

"For those who have tested positive for COVID-19, the treatment will be returned to their respective regencies/cities. Maybe the body condition is unstable, the treatment is self-isolation. Later, it can be controlled when self-isolated," he said.

He said the hajj from Riau had gradually been repatriated from Saudi Arabia. The first batch or Batch 4 BTH of 55 hajjis from Kampar Regency arrived in Pekanbaru, last Friday, July 29.

Furthermore, 459 Hajj Group 5 BTH from Kampar Regency, Indragiri Hulu and Pekanbaru City arrived on Sunday, July 31 evening.

"For those who arrive on Sunday night, the next morning they will be returned to their respective regions," he said.

Meanwhile, Group 4 BTH from Riau arrived safely and was welcomed with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Riau. In accordance with applicable regulations, pilgrims arriving in Pekanbaru will immediately be tested for COVID-19.

As for the 5th BTH group, his party is still waiting for the report of the health officer who is currently still doing the antigen test.

"In connection with the discovery of hajj positive for COVID-19, as an anticipatory measure for the possibility of an increase in COVID-19 suspects, 15 special rooms will be prepared in the next batch," he said.

The location of the special treatment room is in the Hajj dormitory and is separated from other pilgrims. This is to make it easier to check and observe positive hajj pilgrims for COVID-19, said Masrul Kasmi.

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