JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police confirmed that the reports of three abandoned children at the Pasar Pagi Tambora bridge, West Jakarta were allegedly being exploited as false information.

"Based on the examination regarding the three children who admit to being exploited, it is not true," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Teuku Arsya Khadafi, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 12.

According to him, the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit had examined the three children at the Cengkareng Sports Building (GOR). According to Arsya, RR (10) does not have a place to live, while RM (9) and N (5) run away from home. They are busking and scavenging to survive.

"So no one ordered and the proceeds were used for purposes such as eating, drinking and milk and buying a guitar for busking," he said.

In addition, the three children are said to have cut their own hair. Previously, two of the three abandoned children at the Pasar Pagi Tambora bridge who had been temporarily secured at the Cengkareng Sports Hall, West Jakarta, namely RM (9) and N (5) had returned to their parents in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

Meanwhile, RR (10) is planned to be taken to the children's social institution because the person concerned is an orphan.

Abandoned Children Confession

Three abandoned children who were found under the Pasar Pagi bridge, Tambora, West Jakarta admitted that they experienced physical violence by their coordinators if they did not steal.

"Physical violence from those who ordered it, according to confession, did exist," said Social Service, Supervision and Control (P3S) officer Amelia Saputri in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 11.

The three children handled by the P3S officers from the West Jakarta Social Service, namely a boy with the initials RR (10) and his younger brother RM (9), and a girl with the initials N (5).

RR, who is now being detained at GOR Cengkareng, West Jakarta, admits that he was forced to steal by two young men who became his coordinator. However, because the action failed, he received physical violence.

"Once asked to help a toy motorbike, CCTV caught, if you don't want to be thieves left behind, then be beaten. He was beaten in a dark place, ”said RR in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Not only that, RR also had his hair cut if he didn't heed the orders from two street youths with star tattoos on their temples.

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