YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government has asked entrepreneurs who rent electric scooters or scooters to comply with applicable regulations. Including the prohibition of operating vehicles of this type along a philosophical axis.

"There is already a Minister of Transportation Regulation. The DIY government has also issued a Governor's Circular to ban the operation of electric scooters on a philosophical axis," said Yogyakarta Acting Mayor Sumadi in Yogyakarta, Antara, Friday, July 29.

Sumadi's statement was in response to requests from electric scooter rental businesses who hoped to get operational concessions at certain points, including the fins of Jalan Malioboro and Jalan Mangkubumi.

However, Sumadi said that the Yogyakarta City Government had discussed a certain place as a space for the operation of electric scooters and motorbikes, namely in the Kotabaru area.

“In the initial discussions, there was a plan to provide space. However, in our supervision, it turns out that there are many business actors who run their businesses while still operating on the philosophy axis," he said.

Sumadi added that many business actors for renting scooters or electric scooters do not come from the city of Yogyakarta.

“They then took action and said they would continue to operate despite the ban. This shows bad faith," he said.

The Yogyakarta City Government has prepared a Draft Mayor Regulation to regulate the operation of electric scooters or scooters.

"Indeed, there is a Mayor's Regulation that we have drawn up to strengthen the DIY Governor's Circular and the Minister of Transportation Regulation, but it is still being processed at the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.

He ensured that the regulations drawn up refer to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 45 of 2020. Electric scooters are not allowed to be used on roads but are still allowed in residential areas or in office complexes, while in the philosophical axis area, the prohibition applies on sidewalks because it is considered to be disturbing. pedestrian.

While waiting for the results of the facilitation at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Sumadi ensured that the operational supervision of the electric scooter or otopet on the philosophical axis would still be carried out.

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