JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) hopes that the 2022 budget realization for the 20224 General Elections can still be revised by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

"The KPU hopes that the Ministry of Finance can approve the budget revision process in accordance with the priority needs that have been planned by the KPU and approved by the DPR RI in a consultation meeting," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari in Jakarta, Friday, July 29.

According to him, to support the implementation of these stages and activities, the KPU has proposed a budget requirement of IDR 8,061 to be used in the 2022 fiscal year.

Then, he continued, in the 2022 KPU DIPA a budget of IDR 2.452 trillion has been allocated so that the KPU is still experiencing a budget shortfall of IDR 5.608 trillion.

Therefore, he said, the KPU proposed a budget shortfall for 2022 and it was approved by the DPR Commission which had been discussed with the Ministry of Finance.

"The results of discussions with the Ministry of Finance and the Indonesian KPU on July 26, 2022 through the Letter of the Director General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance Number 5-336/AG/AG 5/2022, an additional KPU budget was approved of Rp. 1.245 trillion," he said, according to Antara.

With the approved budget, he explained, the total allocation of the KPU's budget for the 2022 budget year will be IDR 3.698 trillion. The total budget of the KPU in 2022 is equal to 45.87 percent of the needs proposed by the KPU to hold the stages of the 2022 election.

"Based on the 2022 KPU budget allocation, there are several notes, among others, that the support for facilities and infrastructure, office operations, and information technology is not optimal in the implementation of the 2024 election stage because the fulfillment of this support need is only fulfilled by 17.21 percent of the proposed needs. ," he said.

Hasyim said that the preparation of the stages to be carried out in 2023 for multi-year activities could not be carried out in 2022 because the proposed budget was not fulfilled by the Ministry of Finance.

"Nevertheless, the KPU will optimize the budget at the stages that have been approved in the additional budget, even though the fulfillment of budget needs is not optimal," he said.

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