LOMBOK - The Illegal Cigarette Eradication Task Force was formed in Central Lombok to increase synergy in preventing the circulation of illegal cigarettes in the local area.

"Today we are socializing and establishing the Illegal Cigarette Eradication Task Force," said Central Lombok Regent, H Lalu Pathul Bahri at his office, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 29.

The task force for the Illegal Cigarettes Task Force is a collaboration between the Central Lompok Regency Government and the Mataram Customs Service and Supervision Office.

Central Lombok Regency will receive a Tobacco Excise Revenue Sharing Fund (DBHCHT) in 2022 of IDR 50 billion spread across several regional organizations.

The central government provides the budget to support the growth and welfare of the community so that the funds provided are expected to be used appropriately.

"The funds are given to improve the welfare of the community," he said.

He said the area of wetlands in Central Lombok Regency is currently around 50 thousand hectares and the tobacco planting area in Central Lombok is also quite extensive. However, the amount of DBHCHT given was in accordance with existing regulations, so Central Lombok received Rp 50 billion in funds.

"Excise has provided education to the public on illegal cigarettes entering Central Lombok in particular," he said.

The Deputy Regent of Central Lombok, HM Nursiah expressed his aspirations and thanks to the Customs Office for providing DBHCHT funds to Central Lombok which can improve the community's economy. The potential for the circulation of illegal cigarettes still exists, especially with the existence of the Lombok International Airport so that socialization is important.

"We must remain vigilant against the potential circulation of illegal cigarettes," he said.

With the existence of the Task Force, all cigarette companies produced by local products will continue to be given guidance, in order to take care of excise. Meanwhile, for companies outside Central Lombok, witnesses will be given according to applicable regulations.

"The point is that we will eradicate illegal cigarettes to protect the public from the dangers of illegal goods," he said.

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