JAKARTA - The General Elections Supervisory Body has asked political party elements not to hold street demonstrations if their participation is not approved by the General Elections Commission (KPU).

"For example, later there are participants who feel sure that they meet the administrative requirements, do an 'upload' at Sipol, it turns out that it is not legalized, then they can file a dispute at Bawaslu, so there is no need for a crowded demonstration on the streets that makes it stuffy," said the Bawaslu member. Totok Hariyono was reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 28.

Totok, in a media discussion regarding the stages of registration, verification and determination of political parties in the 2024 General Election held by the KPU, said that the political parties that are candidates for the election can make reports to the Indonesian Election Supervisory Body, provinces, districts and cities.

"Please, if you feel that your constitutional rights have been violated, just report it to Bawaslu, it can be in Indonesia, it can be a province, a district, a city," he said again.

According to him, Bawaslu is present in the process of registration, verification and determination of political parties to ensure that the constitutional rights of political parties are guaranteed.

"It's guaranteed not to be bullied by the organizers, let alone being bullied on purpose," said Totok.

He said that in guaranteeing constitutional rights for election participants, Bawaslu invites its strategic partners to participate in providing support in monitoring and prosecuting election violations.

"Of course we also ask for the help of our strategic partners, observers, the media. This is a strategic partner in the process of upholding election justice so that the rights of election participants for political parties who register are guaranteed and guaranteed," he said.

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