PURBALINGGA - Hundreds of students of SMP Negeri 1 Kalimanah, Purbalingga, made a scene. Suddenly the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, stopped by their school.

The moment occurred when Ganjar was jogging around Purbalingga with his wife, Siti Atikoh, Thursday, July 28.

Starting to run from their house in Gang Panca, Ganjar and Atikoh immediately followed the village roads around them. The two of them then headed for the protocol road until they arrived at Jalan Mayjen Sungkono, Purbalingga, right near SMP Negeri 1 Kalimanah.

There a number of students who went to school realized Ganjar's presence and asked for a group photo.

Ganjar responded to the enthusiasm of the student in a friendly manner. He then followed the students into the school environment.

Arriving at the school yard, Ganjar saw a line of students who were about to enter class. They carry out temperature checks and discipline including wearing masks.

That's where the excitement of the students of SMPN 1 Kalimanah broke out. The students who were already in the classroom suddenly rushed out of the room. They surrounded Ganjar to shake hands and take photos together. Finally, the teacher representatives asked the students to gather in the field to listen to Ganjar's motivation.

"Good morning and greetings to all of us. Who has been vaccinated, who has not been vaccinated?" said Ganjar opening the dialogue in the statement from the Central Java Provincial Government.

Ganjar then gave a message to students that the pandemic was not over yet so the discipline of health protocols must still be implemented. Ganjar advised the teacher that students should be taught human values so that they can respect each other. Whatever the class, ethnicity, and religion.

"I entrust it to the teacher, teach the children human values. So that if they make friends with friends from any ethnicity, class and religion they can make good friends," said Ganjar.

"Children are good friends, yes, if a friend is sick, they are taken to UKS. If there is a problem, they will be helped. Then work together, study together," continued Ganjar.

Incidentally, the school yard was being prepared for Scouting activities. Ganjar, who realized this, then asked who the current Chairman of Kwarda Central Java was.

It turned out that not many people knew the name of the Head of Central Java Kwarda until a student named Eka Bayu Ramadani raised his hand and came forward.

"The chairman of the Central Java Kwarda is Pak Ganjar's wife. Her name is Mrs. Siti Atikoh," said Bayu, which was greeted with applause from Ganjar and other students. Bayu was then given a bicycle gift by Ganjar Pranowo.

After graduating from SMPN 1 Kalimanah, Ganjar continued to run and stopped at SMK YPT 2 Purbalingga and SMKN 1 Purbalingga. In these two schools, Ganjar had time to greet the students who were already in the classroom. Ganjar reminded every vocational school to cooperate with companies to adjust learning materials.

"Please, because this is a vocational school, if you can cooperate with companies. For the teaching industry, the material will be adjusted to the needs of the company," Ganjar ordered the teachers.

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