JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas was the keynote speaker at the Congress of Muslims for a Sustainable Indonesia and invited the public to take concrete action in tackling climate change.

"People who take religion as inspiration will certainly be aware of basic Islamic teachings such as environmental sustainability," said Minister of Religion Yaqut when giving a virtual presentation at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 28.

The Minister of Religion said protecting the environment is one of the values of Islamic teachings. Even the prohibition to do mischief on earth is stated in the Al-Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 11.

Therefore, Yaqut fully supports the implementation of the Islamic Ummah Congress for a Sustainable Indonesia and hopes to produce a number of ideas and guidelines to reduce the pace of climate change whose impacts are being felt today.

However, he also emphasized that the results of the congress should not only be limited to ideas or ideas but should be balanced with real actions, especially by Muslims in Indonesia.

"Don't make Islam just an aspiration but make Islam an inspiration that will guide its adherents in everything that is in accordance with the teachings of the Islamic religion," he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the MUI Environmental and Natural Resources Breeding Institute, Hidayat Tri Sutardjo, said that the congress would discuss three major agendas.

First, about the millennial generation who will carry out the climate mandate in the future. Second, on how to mitigate disaster adaptation due to climate change. Third, about the impact and solutions on sustainable development.

"Muslims in Indonesia must be leaders, especially in solutions to climate change. Indonesia is the largest Muslim community. So like it or not, we have to be leaders in dealing with environmental issues," he said.

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