BANDUNG - West Java Governor M Ridwan Kamil stated that three perpetrators of bullying accompanied by immoral acts against an 11-year-old elementary school student in Tasikmalaya Regency, should be given sanctions to provide a deterrent effect and not to bully again.

"There must be sanctions against the perpetrators of bullying, that's right. It's just the type of sanction and the punishment that must be sought as fairly as possible, but not without sanctions," said Ridwan Kamil at Gedung Sate, Bandung City, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 27.

Ridwan Kamil said the type of sanction or punishment given to the perpetrator could be expulsion from school.

"One example is if from me, whether expelled from school, demoted to class, there must still be a deterrent effect even though he is a child," he said.

Kang Emil said he knew for sure that he was a victim of bullying because when he was in elementary and junior high school, he was a victim of bullying by his schoolmates.

"I also experienced elementary-junior high school, the logic is even though I'm a child, especially with the current conditions. I'm also a victim of bullying. I've said that when I was in junior high school, until I became an OSIS administrator, I chose the library section, so that when I took a break I 'hiding' (hiding) to library, I was so afraid of being bullied," he said.

The case of bullying elementary school students in Tasikmalaya, said Ridwan Kamil, should be a lesson for parents.

"So I appreciate that only the punishment must be carried out. But that he has become a suspect, I think it is a lesson for parents," he said.

Ridwan Kamil also advised parents when their children are at home or after school, the role of parents is as a substitute for teachers.

"I remind you, please quote this again by the media. If parents at home are substitutes for teachers, then at home become teachers. If school lessons can't be done, teach moral values, ethical values according to religion," he said.

Kang Emil said that teachers are substitutes for parents in schools, so the role of teachers in schools is not only taking care of lessons.

"When the break is critical, the bully must come down to observe, interact, embrace, be sensitive, after school, be observed to a certain radius, that's my direction," he said.

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