BULELENG - The population of the Bali Starling or Curik in the West Bali National Park (TNBB) is increasing with conservation efforts. Previously this Curik Bird was rare in the area.

In 2006, no Bali Starling was found in TNBB. But with conservation through the Wildlife Sanctuary Unit or captivity, the Bali Starling is ready to be released into the wild.

"Now that it has increased, there are 452 of them in the wild. In 2006 they were not found in nature and nothing was monitored," said Head of the West Bali National Park Agency, Agus Ngurah Krisna, Tuesday, July 26.

In 2009, a number of breeders handed over the Bali Starling to be bred. After that, the Bali Starling was released into the TNBB forest.

Furthermore, in 2018, the total population of the Bali Starling was recorded at 184 and now it has reached 452

"We released the restocking (obtained from) the breeders who handed over the birds to TNBB," continued Agus.

"We prepare for habituation and we release it. We have also developed the Bali Starling Wildlife Sanctuary Unit which was handed over by breeders, including by the zoo in Surabaya, which was facilitated by the Bali Curik Conservation Association (APCB). Then it was developed and the chicks were released into the wild. ," said Agus.

Bali Starling Cabird/DOCUMENTATION West Bali National Park (TNBB)ption
Capti Bali Starling Bird/DOCUMENTATION West Bali National Park (TNBB)on

The Bali Starling was found by Dr. Baron Stressmann, a British citizen on March 24, 1911. After that, the Bali Starling was conducted from Bubunan Village, Seririt District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, to the Gilimanuk area, Jembrana Regency, with an estimated distribution area of 320 km.

The initial distribution of the population comes from the north and south coasts of western Bali occupying an area of about 300 km. Estimated initial population of 300 to 900 individuals. In 1990 the Bali Starling habitat only occupied an area of 2-3 km in Teluk Kelor and Berumbun, TNBB area. While in 2001 there were only six tails left.

"Because then human growth develops and development increases and so on. Then there is poaching so that the Bali starlings only live in TNBB. Because there, it is already protected," said Agus.

With the increasing population of the Bali Starling, in the future this Curik bird will be released from the critical endanger status or critical danger for the community in the TNBB area.

"Because now with a total of 452, the spread has reached community gardens and community house yards and is outside the forest area. The community is still keeping it together. It is hoped that the Bali Starling can drop its status from critical endangered its conservation status can go down, "said Agius

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