JAKARTA - It has been three hours since Bharada E or Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu has been questioned by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

Komnas HAM summoned Bharada E and aide de camp (ADC) or an aide from the inactive Head of the Propam Police Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to be questioned and questioned regarding the shooting incident of Brigadier J at the Komnas HAM office, Jalan Latuharhary, Menteng, Jakarta, Central, Tuesday, 26 July.

Since arriving at 13.25 WIB, there has been no information that the investigation conducted by Komnas HAM on Bharada E will be completed. Even with other aide or aid de camp (ADC) Inspector General Ferdi Sambo who was present at 10.00 WIB.

This means that the five aides apart from the two who were late were examined by Komnas HAM for almost 7 hours. As of 4:35 p.m., there was no sign of the inspection being over.

In the examination, Komnas HAM stated that it used two models, namely personally and together. The use of the examination model was carried out to explore in more detail the shooting incident that claimed the life of Brigadier J.

"There are two models that we will carry out, of course, separately and in one place together. Because we want to know the details of what happened," Komnas HAM Commissioner Choirul Anam told reporters in his office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 26.

From the examination, Anam stated that Komnas HAM could conclude what had happened.

"So this ADC is one of the main pillars in the construction of events and how to see the incident of Brigadier J's death," said Anam.

"So we want comprehensive, analyzes that are developing in the public today, we want to know exactly what and how the incident happened," he added.

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