PENAJAM PASER UTARA - A joint team led by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan has evacuated the bodies of victims who drowned after a sea accident (lakayat) in Balikpapan Bay.

"The Blue Dragon 12 Tagboat ship, Saturday (23/7), at around 16.30 WITA caught fire followed by an explosion which then sank. At the time of the incident, there were 12 crew members on the ship," said the Secretary of BPBD of North Penajam Paser Regency ( PPU) Waluyo in Sepaku reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 25.

Of the 12 crew members, there was one person who was missing due to the sinking with the tugboat, namely a tagboat technician on behalf of Erol Samallo. The victim was found dead.

Meanwhile, there were seven crew members who survived and were not injured, namely Laehe Tatampil, Asep Roni Buroni, Zulkipli, Risdinal Mitusala, Fahmi, Iqvan, and Wira.

Then there were four crew members who survived, but suffered injuries, namely Gery Armanda (Chief Official), Ibnu Kholik (Second Chief Official), Jawarudin (Chairman), and Riza Fahny (Juri Mudi).

The location of the accident in the form of a ship exploding and burning which later sank, occurred in the waters of a tributary of the Semoi River or the Sigren River, Mentawir Village, Sepaku District, PPU Regency, Balikpapan Bay area.

"The chronology of the incident, on Saturday, July 23, at 16.30 WITA, the Blue Dragon 12 Tagboat from Madura, was anchored at the Sigren River, next to the Sea Dragon 2712 barge to wait for the coal loading and unloading queue at Semoi Prima Lestari (SPL) Port," he said.

Based on the plan, after loading the coal, the tagboat will continue to Muara Berau, Berau Regency, still in East Kalimantan.

The tugboat has been anchored since Wednesday, July 20, at 20.00 WITA, then on Saturday, July 23, at 16.30 WITA, it suddenly exploded, allegedly coming from the center of the tagbout, causing the tagbout to catch fire and then sink.

Since Sunday, July 24 morning, a joint team has conducted a search, then the Balikpapan Basarnas Team conducted a dive at 13.50 WITA carried out by two divers and one reserve diver.

"The results of the dive by the Balikpapan Basarnas yesterday, found the location of the tagboat ship and the position of the crew's room, which is suspected to be where the victim drowned," he said.

Then, at around 10.00 WITA, Monday, July 25, the joint team moved again to the location, the Balikpapan Basarnas conducted a dive at 10.30 WITA, with the first dive ending at 11.10 WITA.

"The results of the first dive, the diver team found the victim in the lower deck crew room in a dead condition, then continued the next dive to evacuate the victim to the surface," said Waluyo.

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