JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) is a masterpiece for Persija supporters or commonly known as The Jakmania, residents of DKI Jakarta and Indonesia. This building is 100 percent made by the nation's children.

This was conveyed by Anies when giving a speech at the JIS Grand Launching today, Sunday, July 24. He even said the stadium with a capacity of 82,000 seats could stand because of the support from The Jakmania.

"Today, this masterpiece standing in Jakarta is dedicated to Jakmania, for the citizens of Jakarta and for Indonesia," said Anies in his remarks which was greeted by enthusiastic Persija supporters who were present at JIS, North Jakarta on Sunday, July 24.

"This masterpiece is 100 percent built by the nation's children. It was built from the sweat of Indonesians who were born from the wombs of Indonesian mothers," continued Anies.

He said the extraordinary support from The Jakmania had made the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government excited to build this soccer stadium. Moreover, since five years ago, Anies has promised to build a house for Persija.

"The Jak is willing to participate in guarding the promise and today The Jakmania has fulfilled the promised stadium," he said.

Anies then thanked a number of parties who contributed to the construction of the stadium. Among them, the central government has given permission to PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) and other BUMDs.

Not only that, the former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) also thanked the workers.

"This is a colossal work, this is not the work of one person. This is the work of thousands of people. Thousands of people work day and night to complete a masterpiece project," he said.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the workers who have never been seen on any screens but whose sweat made this stadium stand," he concluded.

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