JAKARTA - The return of the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front, Rizieq Shihab, from Saudi Arabia to Indonesia, caused traffic jams on the toll road to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport this morning. As a result, many potential passengers were late and complained about this.

Representing the Ummah, Chairman of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), Slamet Ma'arif, apologized to residents who were disturbed and felt aggrieved by the process of Rizieq Shihab's return.

"Then today we also apologize physically and mentally to those who feel disturbed by the congregation's pick-up to Rizieq Shihab, maybe it was late to his airport," Slamet told reporters, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 10.

Slamet admitted that he did not expect so many people who came to pick up Rizieq Shihab. However, in reality there are so many people who pick up directly.

"Once again, I apologize physically and spiritually. This is unexpected because this is the calling of the people who really miss our high priest," said Slamet.

For information, Rizieq Shihab arrived in Indonesia after more than 3 years in Saudi Arabia. Rizieq Shihab was greeted by a crowd of pick-ups who filled the Terminal 3 area of Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

During their pick-up at Soekarno Hatta Airport, the pick-up crowd filled all sides of the arrival terminal area of the international route. They have been moving since early this morning. It was reported that there was a total traffic jam towards Soekarno-Hatta Airport this morning. Prospective passengers even reportedly had to walk about 1 kilometer because the vehicle could not move.

Meanwhile, a number of masses packed KS Tubun Street and Petamburan III Street, Central Jakarta, waiting for Rizieq to arrive. Although Rizieq was scheduled to arrive at Soekarno Hatta Airport at around 09.00 WIB, the crowd had packed Rizieq's house since 08.00 WIB.

Jalan KS Tubun is no longer accessible by vehicles. This is because many residents parked their vehicles along the road and approached Jalan Petamburan III until it was crowded.

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